Thomas Keneally – Film and Testimony Education

9-18th March, 2023

Brnenec and Brno, Czech Republic

We would like to invite you to a series of events with the visit of Thomas Keneally on Film and Testimony Education.  He will be visiting Schindler’s Ark for the first time, the concentration camp in the Czech Republic where the 1200 Jews on Schindler’s List were saved.

Is the story still relevant?  Can an individual stand up to discrimination and to killing systems?  How do survivors shape our world?  There will be a series of events engaging with Brno school children on 9th March, on film and testimonies on 10th March, with teachers in Brnenec on 11th March, and local schools in Svitavy on 13th March.

The event will launch a two-year process to « Make a Museum » with schools from five countries to launch the first museum exhibition in early 2025.  There are 116,000 hours of testimonies collected by the Shoah Foundation which will provide a school curriculum of testimony based activities

Thursday, 9th March

Testimony and Film Teaching with Thomas Keneally – Brno Schools

Friday, 10th March

Schindler’s List at 30 years – public event with Thomas Keneally around testimonies and film.  Screening of the film and discussion

Saturday, 11th March

Schindler’s Ark iWalk and testimony education – with teachers from Hungary and Czech Republic

Monday, 12th March

Testimony and Film Education with Thomas Keneally – with Svitavy and local school children

Saturday, 18th March

Schindler’s List in Brněnec